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What is a customer persona and how does it work?

Customer persona, sometimes referred to as buyer persona, reveals insights about your buyers’ specific (and underlying) needs, behaviors, concerns, and any other considerations that might drive them to choose you over your competitors.

The purpose of this tool is to give you an insight into what your existing and prospective buyers think when they think about doing business with you so that you can better align your marketing and sales tactics with their expectations.

A customer persona is not a simple description of your ideal buyer and the demographic qualities that define them. In fact, a focus on demographics takes away from the tool’s intended value, which is to give you an understanding of the motivations that drive specific segments of your target audience and the problems they want your brand to solve for them. A strong customer persona is, therefore, based on real customers, their real-life needs, and extensive data and research.

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Image: Persona Finder
Image: Persona Finder

How Persona Finder helps sales and marketing teams

You can leverage customer personas rooted in data to improve all aspects of customer acquisition and retention. Foremost, they help engage customers throughout the entire lifecycle with messaging that’s tailored to their unique attributes and optimized for conversions — from content marketing to sales enablement and sales follow-ups to support documentation and in-app messaging.

Customer personas inform the successful positioning of your brand, products, and services in your market, helping you save thousands by marketing to the right prospects directly. They also help align and prioritize work across your organization so that you can focus your resources on attracting higher-value visitors, subscribers, qualified leads, and others who are less likely to churn over time.

Finally, customer personas guide the development of products and services by giving you the insights you need to deliver solutions for those audience segments that will move the needle for your business.

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Create a channel and choose a survey type

From your Dashboard, click on the ‘New Channel’ button to create a new channel and select your preferred survey type.

Customize your survey and send invitations

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Collect and analyze feedback in real-time

See all of your incoming feedback from a single, centralized dashboard, filter it by keywords, and take timely action.

Image: Persona Finder Image: Persona Finder Image: Persona Finder

Create a channel and choose a survey type

From your Dashboard, click on the ‘New Channel’ button to create a new channel and select your preferred survey type.

Image: Persona Finder

Customize your survey and send invitations

Customize questions, the look and feel of surveys, and sender details. Upload contacts and send invites at the click of a button.

Image: Persona Finder

Collect and analyze feedback in real-time

See all of your incoming feedback from a single, centralized dashboard, filter it by keywords, and take timely action.

Image: Persona Finder

Define authentic, data-driven customer personas

Try FeedbackLabs free for 14 days. Quick setup, no need to talk to sales, and you can cancel anytime.

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Getting Started With Customer Feedback

Download our guide to learn how to implement a successful customer feedback process for your organization from start to finish.

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Gain the insights you need to make smarter decisions by securely collecting, sharing, and collaborating on feedback.

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